The Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage (KIK-IRPA)
The Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage ("Koninklijk Instituut voor het Kunstpatrimonium ‒ KIK" in Dutch and "Institut royal du Patrimoine artistique ‒ IRPA" in French) is a federal non-profit institution that takes care of Belgium's heritage: art, monuments and items of historical value. These unique and irreplaceable creations embody our shared history and contribute to our identity as a society. That is why we believe that art generates the emotion that binds us all together. The Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage publishes its specialised journal, the Bulletin, the prestigious collection Scientia Artis.
The Bulletin of the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage
The scientific journal on the study, conservation and scientific analysis of Belgian heritage Founded in 1958, the Bulletin of the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage is one of the oldest and most prestigious international journals in art history and heritage studies.
The journal publishes original contributions on the history of art in present-day Belgium, in the former southern Low Countries and the Principality of Liege, as well as its influence in Europe and throughout the world. It focuses on the period from the Middle Ages to the 19th century. The journal focuses on an object-oriented monographic approach with contributions that address innovative matters in the field, provided that they are framed in a sociological, political or cultural context.
In the heritage field, the journal publishes original contributions on conservation-restoration and the sciences applied to heritage, emphasising texts capable of offering new perspectives on research and restoration techniques, notably through innovative methodological approaches. An interdisciplinary approach is particularly appreciated.
Articles are submitted to the peer-review system. The journal accepts articles in English, French or Dutch. Particular attention is paid to the quality of the illustrations.
La Page a réalisé la mise en page et le traitement de certains graphiques ainsi que la coordination éditoriale en partenariat avec Fabrice Biasino de l'agence Mot à mot.